welcome to the competition
*Takmičenje ,,Art of Strings by Lazar Miletić" je međunarodna manifestacija mladih umetnika,učenika muzičkih i srednjih škola,studenata.
-osnivač takmičenja je udruženje ,,Umetnost žice“ i fondacija porodice Miletić na celu sa Lazarom Miletićem.
-osnovni ciljevi održavanja takmičenja su
otkrivanje, negovanje i afirmacija mladih umetnika.
*Competition Art of Strings by Lazar Miletic is an internetional competition for young artists and students.
-Founder of the competition is violist and artistic director Lazar Miletic with his family.
-Main goals of the competition are supporting Young talents and helping them in their upcoming careers and development.
Lazar Miletic
director of the competition

-Svi dobitnici specijalnih nagrada (100 poena) dobijaju novčanu nagradu
-Laureat celog takmicenja dobija specijalnu novčanu nagradu iz fondacije i solistički koncert
-Winners of the special awards (100 points) will get a money prize
-Winner of the whole competition will get a special cash/money prize from the Miletić fondatition